Time Flies

Time sure does fly! Almost 2 months since I last posted and a lot has happened! Life has been good but also stressful. I only hope that time slows down soon so I can take a deep breath and soak in life and invest in my future. I doubt it will happen as so much change is occurring. It may not be until next year that things begin to settle into a nice cadence. At the very least, I hope I feel like I'm soaring as time flies passed me. But I'd like to at least update on what has happened!

Let's just list out some of the interesting moments:

  1. Went to Peer 2.0 conference and learned a lot!
  2. Went to the Western and Southern Open in Cincinnati, Ohio and witnessed Roger Federer and Serena Williams claim the trophy!
  3. My girlfriend and I bought a Wii U!
  4. My girlfriend got into Dev Bootcamp for her training in web development and I am extremely proud of her!
  5. My girlfriend and I adopted kittens! You can see them at Instagram for Salem & Waffles!
  6. In less than 24 hours the kittens (most likely Waffles) destroyed 2 cables for our Wii U! (mad)

Crazy Cats

It has been pretty awesome and I'm thankful to have such opportunities, friends, and responsibilities. However, the last 24 hours have really tested me. I love our kittens and they are so cute and cuddly. They build responsibility and commitment but they also test my ability to stay calm and collected. I value our Wii U because it is a way to relax and have fun with friends and it has given many hours already. The moment Waffles chewed and broke the sensor bar cable, was when my thoughts started going crazy. And then this morning I discovered the gamepad on the ground and part of the power cable separated from the main power adapter box. I wanted to just flip out. As much as they are kittens and as much as I wanted them, they have created so much chaos in my life that it is testing me more than I have ever imagined. With people, I can reason, and discuss and talk about my emotions or thoughts and so I usually find myself calm and collected and willing to discuss things that tick me off. But with cats, this is not possible! All I can do is yell at them or make noises or throw water at them when they are in the act of doing something bad to try and coax them to not do what they did ever again. It's nerve wracking and draining. I think I may need to start meditating just to calm my senses.

Happiness is Delayed

I don't know if I'm happy right now. I feel content and fine with what is going on but I think I need to rekindle my ambitions but I don't want to impact my life that can cause more chaos. I know I can work toward a better tomorrow but I think it'll take time and right now I am not a patient man. Right now, I want to do everything. But I can't.

Mindset Matters
Three Miles

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